Our IoT Developer's Expertise
You may obtain the best IoT development solution with the aid of our IoT mobile app developers & programmers. Here, we offer flexible management techniques for new and varied IoT devices that are combined with strong security.
Data Analytics image
Data Analytics
Wearable Technology image
Wearable Technology
App Development image
App Development
Development Consultancy  image
Development Consultancy
Our Hiring Models
We have a force of talented developers who come together to bring your idea to life
Full Time
Hours Per Day
9 hrs/day
Minimum Days
30 Days
Part Time
Hours Per Day
4 hrs/day
Minimum Days
30 Days
Hours Per Day
Minimum Days
50 Days
Things we made possible
Square Bits owes this to every team member of our company who tirelessly ventured into uncharted planes of their imagination to bring revolutionary ideas and turned them into reality.
Homework AI Logo
Homework AI
HomeWork AI is an academic companion app that meets the power of Artificial Intelligence. The app boasts different modules such as Scan & Solve that enables one to swiftly conquer the assignments. Moreover, users are provided with different pre-placed Tasks comprising of different prompts tailored to your needs. Furthermore, AI Teacher- your go-to guru is there to provide expert insights on any topic.
Homework AI Preview 1
Homework AI Preview 2
Homework AI Preview 1
Homework AI Preview 2
Homework AI Preview 3
Homework AI more image 1
Homework AI more Image 2
Homework AI more Image 1
Tattoo AI Logo
Tattoo AI
Tattoo AI is an innovative app powered by artificial intelligence, aimed at helping users design tattoos tailored to their preferred themes or purposes, categorized within the application. Users have the flexibility to select various parameters such as style (e.g., Realism, B&W, Realistic), output type, ratio, color style, and more for customizing their tattoo designs. The app is organized into three main sections, each serving distinct functions.
Tattoo AI Device
Tattoo AI Preview 1
Tattoo AI Preview 2
Tattoo AI Preview 3
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Tattoo AI more Image 1
Auto ParkIt Logo
Auto ParkIt
AUTOParkit is a fully automated parking garage which requires no operator to park (store) or retrieve vehicles. It operates upon request by a user and is oftentimes referred to as an Automated Parking System. No one enters your vehicle so the entire process is touchless. It selects the best stall location eliminating the frustrating experience of hunting for an available parking space. This saves you time and fuel. This is also good for the environment since each car is turned off while it is in the AUTOParkit rack storage.
Auto ParkIt Device
Auto ParkIt Preview 1
Auto ParkIt Preview 2
Auto ParkIt Preview 3
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Auto ParkIt more Image 1
Explore Our Creative Excellence
Our Hiring Process
We have a force of talented developers who come together to bring your idea to life At Square Bits, we give our best to make your journey a memorable one. Our customers experience a high level of satisfaction thanks to our versatile professionals and cooperative staff.

Post Your Project requirement

Discuss your details with us

Select Model and Timeline

And we start coding

Why Choose Us?
Why Hire IoT Engineer From Square Bits?
Your operational operations will reach the next level of connectedness and intelligence with the help of a smart IoT-powered organization. We favor a quick and aggressive approach to the phase of possible identification by fusing our domain expertise with cutting-edge tools.
Effective Decision Making image
Effective Decision Making
Gateway Development image
Gateway Development
Security Testing image
Security Testing
24 * 7 Support Unit  image
24 * 7 Support Unit
Need a Different Solution?
Explore our other related services to enhance the performance of your digital product
Angular Developer
Angular Developer
React Developer
React Developer
Node JS Developer
Node JS Developer
MEAN Developer
MEAN Developer

Question ? Look at here

What happens next?

  • 01
    After analyzing your business requirements, our sales manager would approach you within a few days.
  • 02
    Meanwhile, to ensure the highest privacy level, we thus sign an NDA.
  • 03
    Our pre-sales manager will therefore present you with an approximate timeline and the project estimates.

Let's Talk Business

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